The Spirit Of Expectancy

Hello old friends, new  followers and fellow bloggers- 

It’s been awhile since we have spoken.  Guys I’ve been tremendously busy and equally exhausted, but I thought I would   take a free moment to share something with you guys this morning.

The most powerful thing you can have in this season of time is a spirit of expectancy- a confidence that God is going to show up.  The Spirit of Expectancy is so powerful because it has proven to yield results.  When you come into the presence of God, expecting him to move in your situation- He usually moves in your situation.  God responds to faith, and having a spirit of expectation is evidence of faith.  My mom used to tell me all the time, “Simone…you’ll have what you expect.”  And I have found this saying to be true.  When I started my day out expecting happiness and joy, my day was filled with happiness and joy; but when I started my days expecting the worst-the worst usually came.  What are you expecting?  Are you expecting God to show up and out concerning your situation? Or are you expecting what you are facing to get worse?

Expect, anticipate, and hope in the Lord because He’s going to come through and when He comes, He is coming quickly.

Until next time,

Mo  🙂

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