C’est La Vie: 5 Things Paris Taught Me About Romanticizing My Own Life

Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers- Happy May! It’s a new month which means new content and an opportunity to share everything with you. If you did not know, I was blessed to spend a week in Paris the second week of April. April 9-16th, to be exact, and to say my life…

Am I Wasting My Time?

“You start to shut down. This security process is not apparent but the guards you have worked so had to put away, retain their post around your heart and walls slowly but surely began to be built.”


“The what-ifs are the worst and they come without permission.  They come without warning.  Like all terrible things with no mission but to distract,  the what-ifs always come.  They come and suck the life out of a person, leaving them drained of happiness, courage and grit.  I was contending against the possibilities of things taking a turn for the worse.  I was fighting against moments that did not happen, against that which was still unknown. “©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Social Distancing Sucks.

What would our world look like if we made each day count?  If we took nothing for granted? Would we say we loved each other more?  Would we hug each other a little bit tighter?  Would we hold on a little bit longer? ©Simone Holloway, 2020.

It’s A lot…

“It’s a lot going on but here’s the truth: there’s a lot of good happening too. “©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Creativity Doesn’t Have a Bedtime.

“Throughout my creative journey, I have found myself the most creative in the wee hours of the morning, before the sun is up.  While the world is sleeping soundly, I am dreaming with my eyes wide open creating and strategizing for the future.  I think this the life of an artist, to do things a little different from their peers – to dream with one’s eyes wide open.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

For The Long Haul…

“I have decided that I am in this thing with the Lord forever.  I’ve come to the place where I love things and people but I don’t love anything or anymore than the Lord. I love God more than my career.  I love God more than the boy who has my heart.  I love God more than my friends.  I love God more than my family.  I love God more and at any moment if he asks me to sacrifice it all, I am willing to walk away from it all.  I don’t worship people and things, for the Lord alone is worthy of all my love, trust, and worship. “©Simone Holloway, 2020.

There’s A Song for That…

“When was the last time you allowed yourself to just be in the moment?  To be present with yourself, family and favorite playlist?  When was the last time you welcomed joy? “©Simone Holloway, 2020

On The Run.

“So I have a confession to make: when I sense that I am falling in love with someone or that someone is falling for me, I run.”

I Don’t Owe You Anything!

Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  Hello & Happy Thursday!  Those who know me know that I am a big advocate for healthy boundaries and the cultivation of loving relationships upon the premise of choice.  Like many of you, my schedule is very busy and this sometimes leaves me less available to those…