I Don’t Need You.

“If the person you love, woke up one day and decided not to love you- you will be okay. You will move on. You will love again. You will thrive without them. And guess what? Newsflash: They will thrive without you.”- Simone Holloway, 2020.


Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  I live in the future.  I mean not exactly, but I tend to live with the future always in mind.  I am always thinking about tomorrow that sometimes I forget about the beauty of today.  I forget to sit, breath in deeply, and appreciate all that my…

Hmm… Let’s See.

“God is simply carrying me through, and He’s carrying you too.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.


“When I think about Him, I am more gracious.  When I think about Him, I am more merciful.  When my mind is placed upon Him, I am more loving.  I am more focused when I place my attention upon Jesus.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Slow Your Roll Sarah!

“Today, I believe this is what God is saying to some of you- I don’t need your help.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Second Chances Are Not Guaranteed.

“Those who pursue do not bank on second chances, they take the first one. Here’s a snippet of wisdom for free: you would probably be in a relationship by now if you took a chance. Whether that relationship is good or bad is up to y’all the parties, but even conflict resolution and growth together comes from taking a shot at hard conversations. We want things without wanting to adjust for them.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Builders Are Consistent

“Builders are consistent because when we are building something new or remodeling what’s been built before, we are steady and unchanging in nature.  Builders don’t decide at the last minute that they are not going to complete their projects.  Builders don’t waste money being indecisive.  Builders don’t waste time being unsteady and lacking stability in thought.  Builders are consistent, showing up each day at the same time ready to get the job done. “©Simone Holloway, 2020


“Memories will speak on the behalf of what’s relationally dead; 
And before you know it, you’re sad when there is so much more ahead.”©Simone Holloway, 2019

In Year Three, I Should Have Left.

“Why do we stay in awful situations?  This is the question that I woke up pondering.  Why do we stay with emotionally, mentally and physically abusive people? Why do we submit ourselves to toxic unhealthy church environments? Why do we settle into office cultures that break our spirits?  Why do we hold onto friends that don’t have our best interest at heart?  Why do we stay even when God gives us a way out, time and time again?  Why?!?!?!” ©Simone Holloway, 2019

Misplaced Expectations.

“If we’re honest, our anger is with ourselves. We’re disappointed that we placed faith and trust in someone that we thought could do no wrong, but they did. Problem is: we’re all human, liable to make mistakes.” (c) Simone Holloway, 2018