
Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  I live in the future.  I mean not exactly, but I tend to live with the future always in mind.  I am always thinking about tomorrow that sometimes I forget about the beauty of today.  I forget to sit, breath in deeply, and appreciate all that my…

Hmm… Let’s See.

“God is simply carrying me through, and He’s carrying you too.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.


“When I think about Him, I am more gracious.  When I think about Him, I am more merciful.  When my mind is placed upon Him, I am more loving.  I am more focused when I place my attention upon Jesus.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Someone Who Will Cry With You…

“One of my favorite passages of scripture is the shortest one in the book.  John 11: 35 simply says, “Jesus wept.”  I love this verse because it shows a savior in touch with the human condition: pain.  He wept.  He allowed himself to feel grief and at that moment, tears streamed down his face like a river.  He’s the friend that will sit with you and cry.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

If You Want Me, Tell Me.

Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  Happy Monday!  We are in month two of Quarantine-mania.  I hope you all are well, safe and sound. STAY HOME!!! I cannot express that enough… please, I love you guys and I want for you and your families to be safe.  That being said, I thought it…

Saint or a Sinner

“I think that is what love does though: it confronts our prejudices and biases.  Love calls us out on our crap and reminds us that there is so much more in life than what we’ve experienced. The more we love others, the more we come to love so many different things.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Social Distancing Sucks.

What would our world look like if we made each day count?  If we took nothing for granted? Would we say we loved each other more?  Would we hug each other a little bit tighter?  Would we hold on a little bit longer? ©Simone Holloway, 2020.

For Him, For Them & For Myself.

Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  I am super excited to share that today I released a poetry book entitled, “For Him, For Them & For Myself.”  It is my first published work and it’s available on Amazon! I just wanted to say thank you to each of you.  Those of you who…

It’s A lot…

“It’s a lot going on but here’s the truth: there’s a lot of good happening too. “©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Creativity Doesn’t Have a Bedtime.

“Throughout my creative journey, I have found myself the most creative in the wee hours of the morning, before the sun is up.  While the world is sleeping soundly, I am dreaming with my eyes wide open creating and strategizing for the future.  I think this the life of an artist, to do things a little different from their peers – to dream with one’s eyes wide open.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.