If You Want Me, Tell Me.

Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  Happy Monday!  We are in month two of Quarantine-mania.  I hope you all are well, safe and sound. STAY HOME!!! I cannot express that enough… please, I love you guys and I want for you and your families to be safe.  That being said, I thought it…

Slow Your Roll Sarah!

“Today, I believe this is what God is saying to some of you- I don’t need your help.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

A Clean Break.

Hello old friends, new followers, and fellow bloggers-  Happy Wednesday!  I don’t know about each of you but to be only fifteen days into the year, life is so good.  This year feels full of hope and seems to capture a wonder that I believe many of us were missing before.  I’m just getting a…

Use Your Words.

“One of my absolute favorite words is “no”.  No, I am not available.  No, I would not like to go with you there.  No, I am not happy with the treatment given to me.  No, I am not satisfied with the level of communication demonstrated.  No.   No is such a powerful word, it’s a boundary inducing word and it allows us to control our environment.  A lot of us have or are currently submitting to abusive behavior because we were or are afraid to say “no.” ©️Simone Holloway, 2020.

Second Chances Are Not Guaranteed.

“Those who pursue do not bank on second chances, they take the first one. Here’s a snippet of wisdom for free: you would probably be in a relationship by now if you took a chance. Whether that relationship is good or bad is up to y’all the parties, but even conflict resolution and growth together comes from taking a shot at hard conversations. We want things without wanting to adjust for them.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Let It End.

“Can I encourage you into a new mindset today?  Into a new habit or practice?  As you enter into this newness, embrace endings! Embrace endings, for at each end is a new beginning.”©Simone Holloway, 2020.

Builders Are Consistent

“Builders are consistent because when we are building something new or remodeling what’s been built before, we are steady and unchanging in nature.  Builders don’t decide at the last minute that they are not going to complete their projects.  Builders don’t waste money being indecisive.  Builders don’t waste time being unsteady and lacking stability in thought.  Builders are consistent, showing up each day at the same time ready to get the job done. “©Simone Holloway, 2020

The Need for Community

“God never intended for you to do life alone. You were created to have a tribe, a group of people who will love you for you.” ©️Simone Holloway, 2019

The Three Hundred.

“Writing down our dreams is not only powerful but prophetic- it’s our signal to the Lord that we believe He can do anything! “©Simone Holloway, 2019

Soaked with Mercy.

” This tells me that we cannot fully know something that we haven’t embraced.  For example, how can you know (fully know) your friend or loved one if you haven’t fully embraced that person (strengths, weaknesses and other idiosyncrasies)?  We do not know what we do not embrace.  So, if we do not embrace people, places, or circumstances- we have no full knowledge of those things.  This is why it’s so important to be friends with people who embrace you fully because that’s the only way they will know you fully and can love you rightly.  We cannot love well what we do not know.”©Simone Holloway, 2019